Choose a Translator Below!

Only 1.49 per minute!


Ext. 17557

$1.49 / min



Ext. 60047

$1.49 / min

Spanish medical interpreter certified

Roxana Lopez

Ext. 08099

$1.49 / min



Ext. 99999

$1.49 / min

Translation/ Interpret between English and Spanish

Aileen Garcia

Ext. 18870

$1.49 / min

Spanish/English certified translator


Ext. 04180

$1.49 / min

Certified translator

Why use our service?

We offer fluent Spanish and English translators that can help you communicate daily necessities with ease! Nowadays, we do have translation apps, but they give us incorrect grammar, and just the wrong words all together! Now you can have a live translator at the other end of the phone or chat. This will speed up the communication process and give you a stress free way to communicate with other people.

Is it Confidential?

Absolutely! Your personal identifying information is kept completely private. Our Translators will only see your screen name. We provide our Translators with guidelines which outline our legal practices and etiquette. So you know you're getting the highest quality and most courteous help available.

  • Safe. Secure. Confidential.
  • On your time.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee.